Friday, May 21, 2010

The Robin Hood Factor


In the story of Robin Hood that many of us know well, Robin Hood is a person who is watching out for the “little guy” who can’t take care of himself due to the big oppressive king and others around the king who have used the system to pillage those “less fortunate” than they. This is the source of why Robin takes it upon himself to get a group of men who will work with him to see that they, “ Rob form the rich to give to the poor.” This is nothing less than the principle of redistribution of wealth that we see going on in this world today in various countries and hierarchies in the world, we see this story line played out under many oppressive rulers and dictators over the centuries as well.
In America today we see this trying to be woven into our fabric by the present administration; the only problem with this is that we are not like other nations; we are not under a dictatorship according to our national treasures that guide and shape this republic. We are a free people who fought for our freedom many times during the history of this nation and continue to fight to this day. We have fought a number of times on this soil for the freedoms we enjoy; this includes but is not limited to the American Revolution, The French & Indian War, The Alamo, The Civil War, The Civil Rights Movement and the War on Terror. When powerful and well-established countries have crumbled throughout history it has never been from an outside force, although they have contributed to the final fall, it has not been from political unrest, though that has been present as well, no, it has been from the indifference of it’s people who have allowed leadership to put itself in place and to usurp the will of the people, therefore it is from within, that once great nations have fallen. This scenario has been played out in many eras in the timeline of mans history we see it in the empires of the Romans, Constantinople, the Byzantines and the Ottomans’ to name a few.
In America we, as a people, are generous and we give out of the resources that we have to those less fortunate than we or to those who are going through tough times as we have in times past. We can, and do, help other out because we ourselves have been there before and know how it feels to be down but not out of the fight. We understand that God has blessed us with things and with freedom in this world to use for his glory and honor. We take the things that He blesses us with and bless others around us and in doing this we glorify God. This is one of the things that make this a great nation and cause others around the world to want to come to these shores for their opportunity at blessings and freedom.
The present administration desires to take the freedoms we enjoy and turn them against us to enslave us in their ideology of what freedom is to them. This freedom that they want is nothing more than our enslavement to their system and their agenda of a “Socialist Utopia”(i.e. Marx, Hitler, Mao, Chavez) We as free people need to make our voice known in as many ways as we can to our local state and federal elected officials so that they who are servants of the people and not to the special interest groups will hear our voice loud and clear, “YOU work for US!!! In the words of Jesus Christ, “Freely you have received, freely give” Go out today and make a difference in someone’s life, not because you have to or were told to do so, but because it is the right thing to do, it blesses others and you also will get a blessing by doing that.

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