Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Why such a big deal about the Constitution?

Why such a big deal about the Constitution?

Why is such a big deal being made over the Constitution and weather we should follow it or do away with it? Is it old, out dated, archaic, dead, past it’s use? Is it living, active, vibrant and some thing that we should use as a tool that changes with the times and the culture? Or is it something that is set in stone and can never change to meet the times or the challenges of the society we live in? In light of these questions should we look at all the other founding documents in the same ways?
Let’s take a look at the each perspective of the argument for a moment. One side of the argument states that the constitution and our founding documents are old and out dated and need to be done away with and replaced with some other form of “up to date, contemporary documentation” to guide our nation by, such as Shariah Law. There are even politicians that have been caught on tape as saying, “We don’t worry about the Constitution, we make the rules as we go because we are in power and can do what we want to do.” With an attitude and a mind set like that I’m curious if they are really looking out for the best interests of this nation and it’s people. Do they really care what the Constitution has to say or have they even read it at least once? People and especially politicians who side with this train of thought are a danger to the very fabric of this nation. We as Americans are a people who get up each day and do what we have to do to make a living for our families and help out our neighbors in need, not because we are told to or because we are forced to through redistribution of wealth, but we do it out of compassion in our hearts and love for our fellow man. This idea of compassion for our neighbor is one of the things that has made America so great at home and around the world
Another viewpoint on the Constitution is that it is a tool to use since it is a living and vibrant document and that it must change to meet the times of the culture. Those who espouse this point of view argue that the constitution is only a skeleton and that the rest of the body of our society has to add to it as the society grows and evolves. The only problem that I see with this is that changes like this would be subject to the dictates and the leanings of those who are out for their own interests and the interests of others who can “afford” to have their argument heard by those who can wield power for them. This type of a mind set is what we see going on in the “politics as usual” world of those who think they are protected by the beltway around Washington D. C.
To others in this land it is something that is set in stone and can never change to meet the times or the challenges of the society we live in. For those who lean this way there is no room for any change and the old ways are the best ways and the proven ways, the ways that have got us to the point that we are at now. This way has worked for us up to this point and it will work for us from here on out.
Where do you stand on this issue as an American? The decision that you make will be the one that will shape the way you see the world that you live in and how you treat others around you and how you expect others around you to treat you.

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